Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This site never became what it intended, so I will link it to my AWESOME site:


Check it out, if you dare!


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas was supposed to be busy

The season of Advent started November 30th 2008. But even though we are a week behind, this does not mean the season is lost. We still have plenty of time to focus on the coming of Christ, both in the tradition of Christmas, and in the reality of our lives.
This season tends to be one of the busiest of the year. People are out shopping for presents, food, and visiting family. Our places of work or school tend to ramp up as well. It seems we try and become as stressed as possible in order to take a day or two off.
I am sure it was like this in the days before the birth of Jesus. People happened to be rushing around in order to be counted for a census imposed by Caesar. Some were uprooted from their homes and had to return to the town or city their families were from for tax purposes. And you thought the IRS was bad.
But during this time, we never read about the stress level of Mary or Joseph. They just did what they had to do in order to welcome Jesus into the world.
How can we do what we need to do in our lives, without stressing out, while preparing to welcome Jesus into the world?